Components Of Hardware Software And Peopleware Of Computer

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It's the parts like the screen itself, the keyboard, mouse, speakers-anything you touch really. The software is the programmes that are installed on the computer The CPU INPUT OUTPUT WORKING MEMORY PREMANENT MEMORY Those are the 5 primary Hardware Parts of a computer. This was said by a mathmatician John Von Neumann(1903-1957) Computer components consist of: Motherboard RAM / Memory CPU / Processor Hard Disk Drive (HDD) Solid State Drive (SSD) (Optional) Graphics Card (Optional) Sound Card (Optional) Network Card / LAN Adapter (Optional) TV Tuner Card (Optional) Power Supply ] CMOS Battery Fan Heatsink / Fan Assembly Case Shunts / Jumpers Etc.

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Software Components Of A Computer

NOTE: Some components are optional because they may be included onthe motherboard. A TV Tuner is sometimes built in to certain graphics cards. Solid State Drives are Hard Drives without moving parts. They arealso smaller and lighter in weight.

Basic Computer Hardware Component Standards


Xtra-safe kt-82001 manual Hardware: Processor, MOBO (common term for motherboard, PSU (power supply unit) cooling Fans aka heatsink, GPU (graphics processing unit aka graphics card, hard drive, case, moniter, keyboard, mouse, trackpad (laptop only), CMOS battery Metals above parts are composed of: Silicon, silver, plastic, copper. Software: BIOS (basic input/output system) Operating system (aka linux, bsd, microshit windows, x[mac]), window manager (x, unity, windows aero, aqua[macfags], kernel (distributes ram to processes) feel free to add anything i forgot. A personal computer is comprised of core hardware and softwarecomponents. The 'brain' of the computer is the central processingunit, or CPU. The CPU will be located on component panel known asthe motherboard.